Bringing subluxation-based care into the public school system children chiropractic innate healing subluxate Oct 15, 2024

What if blowing up your practice and leading healthcare just means stepping out and owning it?

Got something for you.

Back home in Grand Junction, had an opportunity to interview 2...

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Some serious truth about where chiropractic is heading chiropractic healing patient education Oct 11, 2024

It’s time to cut to the chase—are we losing sight of the real mission?

Today's episode of the Chiro Hustle Podcast, I had an eye-opening conversation with Dr. Mark Romano.

He shared...

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Weekly Sticky - Chiro-Jenga chiropractic innate healing stress subluxate Mar 15, 2024

If Life was a game of Jenga, stress would be the act of sliding out one puzzle piece after another, until your entire 'tower of health' topples over.


Unexpected car repair bill - slide out a...

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Weekly Sticky - Are You Micro-Healing? healing innate healing weekly sticky Mar 04, 2024

No one likes the boss breathing down their neck, watching every move they make, looking for any excuse to criticize their work, especially if they were hired for their ability to get the job done....

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Weekly Sticky - Subtracting for Health chiropractic healing innate healing weekly sticky Feb 26, 2024

 Click for Weekly Sticky video


New trends in intermittent fasting and time restricted eating have taken the stage as holistic techniques that not only help with weight loss, but can...

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Weekly Sticky - Forest for the Trees chiropractic healing patient education weekly sticky Feb 19, 2024

Click for Weekly Sticky video


“Seeing the forest for the trees" is an expression of PERSPECTIVE. It's the ability to step back and see the whole picture of a given situation, instead...

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Weekly Sticky - Triple Dog Innate Dare chiropractic healing innate healing patient education weekly sticky Feb 16, 2024

You've been given the throw down.  Your family and friends are egging you on to try their Chiropractor.  But you don't 'believe' in Chiropractic and doubt it would actually work for your...

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Weekly Sticky - Forget Someone? children chiropractic healing patient education pediatric weekly sticky Feb 14, 2024

Chiropractor - “Hey Mary, where are your kids?”   Mary - “I left them home, they don’t have any back pain…”  Chiropractor - “That might be...

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Weekly Sticky - Why Check Your Eggs? chiropractic healing patient education weekly sticky Feb 07, 2024

Click for Weekly Sticky Video

How many times have you had a minor fender-bender, or a slip on the sidewalk and never gave it a second thought?  Maybe your ego was bruised, but you didn't...

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Weekly Sticky - Hey Doc, why am I not 100% better yet? chiropractic healing Feb 05, 2024

Mrs. Jones - "Hey Doc, why am I not 100% better yet?"

Chiropractor - "Here, watch this..."

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Weekly Sticky - What Caused Your Chiropractic Problem? healing patient education weekly sticky Feb 05, 2024

Unique principled chiropractic message from the Weekly Sticky.

What Caused Your Chiropractic Problem?

#PatientEducation #WeeklySticky #Chiropractic

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