Guest Blog from McCoy Press: The Chiropractic Profession Must Rally Around Real Research and Real News
Jan 28, 2025
Article by McCoy Press:
In a year marked by significant achievements in chiropractic research and public health, two stories from 2024 stand out as essential reading for every chiropractor:
Chiropractic Care and Immune Function: Groundbreaking Research Debunks Pandemic Myths
Spike Proteins and Chiropractic: A Public Health Crisis Lands Among the Top 10 Stories of 2024
These stories aren’t just highlights of 2024; they are calls to action. They emphasize the need for chiropractors to actively engage with cutting-edge research and support the research and news publications that champion the unique strategic competitive advantage of the chiropractic profession and are not afraid to publish the truth.
They also share a common thread: both groundbreaking papers were led by Amy Haas, DC, PhD, whose dedication and expertise helped the chiropractic profession understand and apply the knowledge gained from this research.
Celebrating a Champion of Chiropractic Research
Dr. Amy Haas, DC, PhD, stands at the forefront of chiropractic research, bringing a unique blend of biochemistry expertise and clinical practice to her work. As the lead author on both of these top-ranked papers, Dr. Haas has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to advancing the scientific foundation of chiropractic care. Her meticulous approach and ability to synthesize complex, interdisciplinary data have provided invaluable insights into the role of chiropractic in systemic health. These achievements highlight her as a key figure driving the profession toward greater credibility and recognition.
The Battle for Chiropractic’s Place in Immune Health
Ranked #4, the integrative review on chiropractic care and immune function stands as a cornerstone achievement for the profession. Published in the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, this paper systematically dismantles the pandemic-era myth that chiropractic has no influence on immune health. By synthesizing decades of research, it demonstrates how chiropractic care supports the neuroendocrine-immune (NEI) system—a vital network for regulating stress, immune responses, and physiological balance.
This study came at a crucial time, following years of attacks on the profession by organizations like the WFC, ACA and Parker University, which sought to stifle discussions about chiropractic’s impact on immunity. The false narratives perpetuated during the pandemic not only misrepresented chiropractic but also attempted to strip practitioners of their right to educate their patients. This research decisively counters those claims, arming chiropractors with evidence to support their vital role in systemic health.
Navigating Post-Pandemic Public Health Challenges
Coming in at #3, the story of chiropractors confronting the vascular risks associated with SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins is equally critical. Dr. Haas’s paper on spike proteins and vascular biology highlights the chiropractic profession’s unique role in early detection and patient safety. With frequent patient interactions, chiropractors are often the first to recognize symptoms like headaches or neck pain that may mask underlying vascular issues.
The findings in this research equip chiropractors with the knowledge to navigate these challenges responsibly. By adopting advanced patient assessment protocols and maintaining a high index of suspicion, chiropractors can safeguard their patients and uphold the profession’s reputation in the face of emerging health crises.
Why Chiropractors Must Support Publications that Tell the Truth
Both of these stories highlight a fundamental truth: the survival and growth of the chiropractic profession depend on robust research and reliable reporting. The research journals published by McCoy Press including the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research and the news arm of McCoy Press - The Chiropractic Chronicle are focused on reporting and research that the Chiropractic Cartel does not want published. Without them, critical research like these studies and the news surrounding them might never reach the public or practitioners.
Supporting these outlets is not just a professional responsibility; it’s a necessity to preserve the integrity and future of chiropractic care.
A Call to Action
Here’s what every chiropractor can do to help:
Subscribe: Ensure you’re receiving the latest research by CLICKING HERE and subscribing to research publications from McCoy Press.
Share the Knowledge: Educate your patients, colleagues, and communities about the importance of this research. Use it to dispel myths and promote evidence-informed care.
Contribute: Whether through subscribing or submitting your own research, your contributions can help sustain these vital publications.
Stay Informed: Follow and support platforms that report on the real news in chiropractic. Stay ahead of the narratives that aim to undermine the profession.
Looking Ahead
The stories ranked #3 and #4 in 2024’s top chiropractic news aren’t just headlines; they’re milestones that define the future of chiropractic. By rallying around research and supporting subluxation-focused publications, chiropractors can ensure that their profession continues to thrive, informed by science and driven by a commitment to health.
Dr. Amy Haas’s contributions serve as a shining example of what can be achieved when expertise, dedication, and vision converge. It’s time to stand united, support our researchers, and champion the publications that elevate the profession. The future of chiropractic depends on it.