Ep. 7 - The 10 A's In Your Life To Evaluate
Take a piece of paper and a pencil and grade yourself on these 10 levels of Mastery.
I hear this from doctors
I, I don't need any goals.
I'll just, you know, go where the wind blows me.
And that's exactly where you will, will end up if you want.
So we don't wanna be doing that.
We want to, I wanna know where we're going.
And, uh, yes, you cannot control everything
that happens in your life.
Uh, things happen, but you can control a lot of things.
And one of the things is you can control the direction
that you're heading, the mindset that you have,
and the willingness and the, uh, prosperity, the, the ambitiousness
to do the things that you know, that you need to do
to get where you want to get to.